Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stupid toy cellphones

Hello. So the other night, I was having a good night's sleep cause I was really tired, when all of a sudden, in the middle of the night at 3AM, this high-pitched noise wakes me up. It was one of the most irritating sounds ive heard in my life (it definitely passes the test for it to be a alarm sound), so I thought it was perhaps my neighbor's alarm...but then I thought to myself, why in the world would he wake himself at 3 in the morning?! But then I was yeah whatever, and I tried to go back to sleep, but this THING just kept on ringing, OVER and OVER again! And you know when you hear something repeat over and over again, you go crazy right?! OH, I got the PERFECT analogy for you DOC!. Just imagine you were having a perfect night's sleep and someone suddenly walked into your room with that casio piano that we used for the fundamental frequency labs and pressed the demo button on full blast...and left it on for a good five minutes AND danced to the music for good measure. The anger and irritation that you would have felt inside might have totaled to a half of my irritation. I was seriously going insane listening to this sound, so I decided to put matters into my own hands. I charged around the house and searched for the sound and I came upon this box of toys that I played with when I was young (maybe about 10 years ago). I dug through the box, and finally, on the bottom, I find the source of the high-pitched irritating sound that was driving me crazy....A TOY CELLPHONE. I was like WHAT?! I haven't touched this toy in ages! It's been in this box in my closet for the longest time. But I didn't care about those things cause i just wanted to turn the thing off once and for all. PLUS, when I took it out of the box, it was even more high pitched and irritating than I remembered.

This reminds me of the Doppler's effect that we learned about a few chapters ago. About how when a moving object gets closer to you, you hear a higher frequency of sound since the waves are closer to you. However, when the moving object travels away from you, you hear a lower pitched sound. In this case, on a smaller scale, I was the moving object, so when I got closer and closer, I heard a progressively higher pitch. So anyway, I took the toy cellphone and I pressed the fake buttons and I tried taking out the battery only to notice that the battery was unreachable because I would have to use a screwdriver to take all of the tiny screws out of the compartment that held the battery. I was already frustrated enough, so I tossed it with some good force on the carpet floor. This brings in the topic of gravity and projectile motion. I threw it straight downwards with a certain initial velocity, so if I knew the time it took to reach the floor I wouldve been able to calculate its final velocity when it got smashed into the ground (not like I cared about calculating its final velocity at the time). This worked (thank god) and it stopped making noise finally. I was VERY relieved. I was still very angry, but somehow I went back to sleep. I slept a good hour when of course, the cellphone goes off......AGAIN. My eyes shot open and I literally jumped out of my bed on a mission to break that cellphone. Unfortunately, this time, nothing worked, after a couple cracks, so I was forced to think of something before I went nuts. I ended up wrapping it in some clothes and putting it in a bag far from my room. Pretty smart idea, eh? Ahhh, so I finally got to go back to bed with some peace and quiet, but the next day I was really tired.

Well, that's the end of my story. Hope it was entertaining. Looking back on it now, I find it kind of funny, but it certainly was not funny that night. There's actually more to this story, but I'll probably write about some of it in the next blog. Shoots.

The evil cellphone looked similar to this, but it was light green. I would've taken a picture of the real thing, but I donated it already. I wanted to get rid of that thing.

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