Sunday, May 2, 2010

2nd to last physics blog?!

Since we had an orchestra concert this weekend, I wanted to talk about sound waves and accoustics. We rented out Mamiya theater for our concert because it had better accoustics than lower gym or seto hall. Engineers specifically design these concert halls to direct the most crisp sound to the audience. In some places, the sound may seem distorted or muffled, which is caused by destructive interference of sound. Anyway, I can't believe it is already the last week of physics class. It's crazy how fast this year has passed. It felt like yesterday writing my first blog and thinking that I could never survive this class cause I started with a 75 or something on my first kinematics test that everyone thought was one of the easiest tests of the year. But yet, here I am, preparing for the AP test, and failing 3 out of every 4 quizzes that I take. I've actually been studying, but it doesn't seem to help that much. Ahh, well, good times this weekend. Got a fist bump from doc on saturday at the orchestra concert. That officially makes yesterday, may 1st, 2010, the best day of my life.

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