Sunday, May 9, 2010

Last Blog!

Wow, I still can't believe that AP physics has come to an end. This year has passed so fast, its ridiculous! I still remember buying the book and thinking to are we gonna finish more than 1200 pages in less than a school year?! but we have now reached the end of our long journey of suffering and despair after failing our fair share of tests and quizzes. But yet, I do feel pretty accomplished because I did learn a whole lot about physics, and at times, class was actually pretty fun. Since its my last blog, I wanted to make a small list of memorable moments over the course of the year..

1) "You guys are crazy to be here...You guys are gonna suffer" (something along those lines) - Doc, on the first day of school
2) The massive ice crunching sounds I hear everyday
3) Making beats and singing songs with my buddy Adam in class (96 degrees in the shade, I do my thing, cool down, billionaire, replay)
4) Me and clint trying to harmonize even though it wouldn't work most of the time
5) Adam's ridiculous Kelly and Meatloaf jokes...example: "Do you like to eat meat loaf?"
6) Faceboard...A drawing of Meatloaf with guns, but not even close to the size of clint's biceps
7) Clint punching Adam in the face after a fight that I taped in the courtyard...Adam got licked, which was evident through his black eye (Kelli believed my whole story too)
8) Clint almost killing Elliot for taking his lucky seat
9) Adam and his recorder...playing the same songs over and over again...doc complaining of sound pollution
10) "Check the band spacing!" -Adam (seeing Adam sitting on the side doing nothing during labs)
11) "Can you invite me to your wedding when you and Cassie get married?!" -Kelli
12) Clint's blog: "Colin Tseng joined the group: Too Chinese fo Skoo"
13) Jamie and her supposedly huge flock of guys: Jon Wong, Jordan Tottori, Matt Lum, Adrian Catalan
14) Daniel's analogy of hanging mass and tension to represent the forces on Jamie
15) The scheduled fights: Elliot vs. Tara, Daniel vs. Jamie, etc.
16) Kelli responding to Adam's, "What did you do on Sunday?" with, "What did YOU do on Sunday? KENDRA?!"
17) Going to the snack bar whenever
18) Last but not least! and doc's fist bump at the orchestra concert.

There's a probably a lot more stuff but I can't remember right now. Good luck on the AP exam everyone!

Ash, Dyl, Ian, and me's intense study sesh at kahala.

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