Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mean da optics!

Ok, so I am doing my blog now because I figured that I would forget to do my blog when I come back home from San Diego on a secret mission to save the president with my boy clint. Unfortunately, we can't tell you what our mission is because we are supposed to keep it on the DL. But anyway, yeah, this blog is for this weekend. I'm not writing this just for fun on a random wednesday. Ok, so we have been doing optics and lenses these couple days and the past week so I figured that I'll talk about glasses and contacts. I am near-sighted and I can't see the board (without glasses, I squint, which makes people tell me to open my eyes) so I went to the doctor to get a prescription so I can get glasses or contacts to avoid some humiliation. The other day, when I was putting my contacts on, I noticed that the contacts are shaped like a concave lens, which allows light rays to pass through and travel through the focus point. The focus point would then be aligned with my retina so that I can now see farther objects clearly.

whoooaa check out these color contancts!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


So i just woke up from a nap, and I figured that I should do my blog before I forgot. I don't know if it's just me, but this weekend seemed to pass a lot faster than other weekends. Congrats to the basketball team! It was a crazy game. Bummers adam didn't get to play, but I saw that bad boy in the honolulu advertiser today. lucky dawg. Ok well, after doing a lab about transformers, and after hearing doc ramble about transformers even though everyone basically had their head down and was falling asleep, I realized that transformers were everywhere around my house. My phone charger is a transformer, and a lot of appliances used transformers to operate. Transformers either lower or raise the potential differences of an alternating current, but the ones in my house lower the voltage. These transformers use secondary and primary windings of coil around magnetic core like iron, and since alternating current runs through the primary coil, it creates a changing magnetic field in the secondary windings. This change in magnetic flux induces a current in the second wire, and the emf is changed to match a resistor of some sort to cause an emf and a current that is desired.